City Clerk

Clerk's Office

The City Clerk is the Custodian of all formal city documents. 

These duties include: 

  • Performing duties as may be required by law or ordinance.
  • Maintaining seal and attest documents
  • Maintaining other documents such as agendas, council meeting minutes, ordinances, proclamations, resolutions and documents as required by Mayor and Council
  • Keeping records of licenses and permits

In accordance with A.R.S. § 38-431.02(4)(a) Public Notices are Posted as followed:

City of South Tucson City Hall

Administrative Offices Bulletin Board

1601 South 6th Avenue

South Tucson, Arizona 85713

In accordance with A.R.S. section 38-431.01(G)

Arizona Attorney General’s Office Agency Handbook on Open Meeting Law

Agency Handbook on Open Meeting Law