The City of South Tucson covers an area of about 1.2 square miles and is completely surrounded by the City of Tucson, Arizona. It is located at the junction of Interstate 19 and Interstate 10 about 1 mile south of downtown Tucson. It is bounded on three sides by two freeways and the Union Pacific railroad tracks. Incorporated in 1940 and known as the 'Pueblo Within a City', the City of South Tucson has maintained a strong and unique character and cultural heritage. South Tucson's ethnic character is evident in its widely known Mexican restaurants and its architectural styles, including colorful outdoor tile murals. According to 2010 Census Bureau data, The City of South Tucson has a population of 5,652.
The City of South Tucson is located within a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-designated Empowerment Zone and Tucson Pima Enterprise Zone, both of which are dedicated to revitalizing dilapidated areas in the greater Tucson metropolitan area. The City of South Tucson has also been designated a rural ‘Colonia’ by the United States Department of Agriculture.
The City of South Tucson is governed by a Mayor, Six Council Members, and a City Manager. The local police and fire departments have both full-time and volunteer personnel. More than 300 businesses call South Tucson home.
South Tucson City Hall
1601 South 6th Ave
South Tuscon, AZ 85713