Courtroom Standards

  • NO WEAPONS OF ANY KIND MAY BE ALLOWED IN THE COURT BUILDING PURSUANT TO ARS§ 13-3102A(10). Violation of this statute is a class one misdemeanor and you will be subjected to criminal prosecution. This includes, but is not limited to guns, knives, chains, mace and baton.  Other itmes such as tools, kitchen utensils, nail files, key holders and scissors may also be restricted.
  • If you are entering the courtroom you will be required to pass through security. Personal objects will be placed in a receptacle and a hand held wand is used to aid in the search of prohibited objects.
  • No one may enter the courthouse with food, drink or chewing gum. Please dispose of such items prior to entry. Exception is water in closed containers.
  • Wear appropriate attire. While clothing need not be formal, no one will be allowed in the courtroom without shoes or shirts. T-shirts with offensive slogans or pictures are also not to be worn. If you are a male wearing a hat, please remove it upon entering the courtroom.
  • While in the Courtroom all cell phones, or other electronic devices, are to be shut off.
  • When you are called to the podium and are addressing the Judge or Hearing Officer, stand a few feet back, never lean on the podium. DO NOT attempt to speak to the Judge or Hearing Officer from the audience.
  • While awaiting your turn to see the Judge, do not chat or whisper to those around you. If you need to speak, leave the courtroom for a few minutes. Avoid shuffling papers or creating noise that could be a distraction to the Judge or others in court.  Court proceedings are being taped and background conversation and noise can interfere with the audio taping of the record.
  • If at all possible, please avoid bringing small children to Court. We recognize that this may not always be feasible, so should children be brought to court, please monitor their behavior and keep them as quiet as possible. If a child becomes noisy or unruly, you and your child may be asked to leave the courtroom.